Tuesday 21 April 2015

Quick Pho

Holla I am back again to post a budget friendly + super yummy pho recipe. Another good thing about this , is the ingredients you buy for it will last a long time to keep in the pantry. So if you have the sniffles and want a light yet hearty meal, this is the good stuff to cure what ails you. Pure comfort food , but also healthy! I found this in the drafts section of my blog from two months ago and thought I should post it for those of you who have a pho craving.


Shaved frozen meat I.e. steak or pork (can be found in the frozen aisle in Superstore, in a clear plastic container. If you can't find it, just fry up a steak and slice it thinly and add to your pho.)
1-2 Chicken/beef stock/cubes
2 Cinnamon sticks
2 Star anise (can be found in the spices aisle)
1/2 Sweet onion
Bunch fresh basil
2 Limes
Hoisin sauce
Sriracha sauce
1 pkg vermicelli noodles


In a medium sized pot, drizzle in some olive oil and turn up to medium heat.
Add onions sauté until caramelized, add the cinnamon sticks, and star anise. Then add chicken/beef stock (if you're using cubes, sauté with onion until it is caramelized then add in about 4 cups of water).

Bring the mixture to a boil, and add the vermicelli noodles. Cook for 1-2 minutes more, then pick out the cinnamon sticks and star anise. Add in the frozen shaved steak, and transfer to a bowl.

Top with a bunch of fresh basil leaves, squeeze some lime into it, and drizzle with hoisin and sriracha sauce.
My sister gave me that book for my birthday, I've been reading it for a few days. I love it!

There you have it, the fastest pho recipe out there and just as tasty. Let me know in the comment section below what you think of it!


My day 2 experience: 3 day juice cleanse

Paddle boarding in Deep Cove yesterday.

It's day two and I'm going insane.

My alarm went off this morning probably 10 times and I shut it off every single time, thinking "5 more minutes, and I will get ready and go pick up my second days worth of grass water". Yeah I had to book it over there this morning to pick them up. 10 minutes before 8, I quickly threw on some clothes and forgot to put on any makeup to make myself look put together and decent whilst picking up my trendy juices. Sunglasses would suffice. As I was driving there I stumbled upon the Mexican radio station and blared it in my car and to be honest I had no idea what they were saying. But it was awesome and I think I found my favourite new radio station. I would rather listen to a rambling radio DJ in Spanish than in English, because either way I'm not really paying attention and Spanish sounds way better.
I got there and returned my six glass mason jars that they gave me yesterday morning, and when I arrived they had all the juices ready to go for me. It was a quick 30 second pickup, thank god because all I wanted was to crawl back into bed and sleep for the remainder of this cleanse.

So if you're wondering what will happen to your body when you do a juice cleanse, let me fill you in. Don't do it. Ever. Just eat healthy and you won't need to do the cleanse. I thought this would be a wonderful experience where I would feel energized and happy and my pimples would disappear and I would be a totally new person in 3 days. So far all I have to show is a bitchy mood, constant hunger, and I can't even string a sentence together straight. Oh and the dreams, I had such vivid dreams last night. I am going to make a list of pros and cons for any of you who are thinking of doing a cleanse, of course it probably would have helped if I prepared to do it and didn't gorge myself with jalapeno cheese bread the day before. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend doing that either.

I have also been drinking coconut water for extra potassium.

So I'm going to go with the pros first, let me think long and hard about this one...

1. It feels good to get in all the veggies + way more than you would need in a day
2. I feel very hydrated
3. I feel lighter already, I think I pooped out 3 lbs
4. I had brief moments of clarity and happiness
5. For about 10 minutes yesterday I had energy
6. While doing this cleanse it has given me extra time to plan my schedule out

Here are the cons.
1. I have to pee every 5 minutes
2. I have to do the other thing every 30 minutes, or I keep thinking I do and then nothing happens, and then EVERYTHING happens
3. I am starving all the time
4. My mind is foggy, and I day dream a lot. & I lose my train of thought when I am talking.
5. I am irritable
6. For some reason it feels like my head is pulsing, with a mild head ache
7. I almost passed out walking up a hill, which is not normal for me
8. I have to drink a juice every two hours, so it gives me little time to go out and do what I want

I am still trying to decide if this is a good thing or bad thing for my body. From doing my research on the internet, half the nutritionists support it and half of them don't. So it's a tough call. The only advice I can give is listen to your body. Some websites say that if you're feeling dizzy and faint and ill then it means your body is detoxing. I however think it is the major levels of blood sugar spikes and drops. I guess the symptoms and results are different for everybody.

I am all for healthy eating and exercising, but I don't think juicing is for me. I love food way too much. But I am not even done the cleanse yet. Who knows, maybe day 3 is the magical day where all my symptoms disappear and my body finally accepts the fact that I am not feeding it solids.

Either way, I will keep you guys posted once I finish.

Stay tuned.

Also, these two books do not go hand in hand, I discovered.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Health tips for clear skin

Happy lazy Sunday!

This is one lazy day for me, but I thought I should at least do something productive today. So here I am, thinking away on easy ways to try and incorporate healthier things into our everyday lives. That way you wont have to ;

Mhmm, yes I know I just posted a pizza recipe, I was mad craving that and thought I should share the recipe with everyone! Indulging once in a while IS good!


If you have pimple-prone skin like I do, and having even one drink or one unhealthy meal will cause a breakout, keep reading! There is hope for your precious skin. I have some tips for you desperate ladies and men out there who have something important coming up, and you want to have a clear complexion to look at and feel good about.
Or if you just want to look good all the time, because who doesn't want a smooth-as-a-baby's-butt face?
It all starts with your lifestyle. Are you a smoker? Do you drink? Do you eat vegetables and fruits everyday? Do you eat whole grains? Do you drink water? Are you active? There are so many questions you need to ask yourself and start off by picking one thing and eliminating it, or picking one thing and adding it. Below I have listed some easy tips for you to incorporate into your daily routine, and you don't have to do it all at once, but it is preferred so that you can see results quicker.

Remember, even if you fail to follow these things daily, don't be hard on yourself! Just be mindful of what you are eating and drinking, and try to do intense 30-60 minute workouts 3 times per week.

Tip # 1:
Eat yo veggies. For real though, try adding an extra serving of veggies on your plate at dinner instead of reaching for another bun, or another scoop of potatoes. And if you are a regular potato eater, why don't you try sweet potatoes! They are rich in vitamin A and contain healthy fats and carbs. And have you ever paired it with asparagus or broccoli? So delicious!! Some more ideas: kale salad with pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries, homemade pasta sauce with zucchini, eggplant , mushrooms and jalapeño. (That's a great way of getting maximum veggies in one serving) You can also add vegetables to your breakfast! Why not add spinach to your omelette? Or how about in a smoothie!! The possibilities are endless, it just requires a little bit more brain power to come up with some recipes. If you don't like to eat vegetables, think about it in this way: Your body is an incredible machine that requires fuel to keep functioning properly.
If you have constant ailments, always get colds, always get headaches or stomach aches, have sore joints all the time, have acne, suffer from fatigue and bloating... It's about time you take a look at your eating habits, because it plays the most important role in your health.

Tip # 2:
Drink more water! This is the best way to flush out toxins and keep your body in balance. It is also essential for clear skin. I suggest cutting out soda and try not to drink too many vanilla lattes guys.. I know they're good (coming from a girl who works at Starbucks) but milk has been linked to hormone imbalances and digestion issues! If you really can't cut out the milk, I suggest drinking nonfat.  This also goes for alcohol, it's good in moderation, but if you do, stout beer is actually very high in minerals and vitamins.

Tip #3:
Exercise!!! Do YOU exercise? Physical activity goes hand in hand with overall health. I know sometimes it isn't fun, but it doesn't have to be a boring workout. There are so many different kinds of exercise you can do that you can enjoy. My favourite thing to do is back country hiking. Its such an adventure! Even getting out for a walk is better than absolutely nothing, and if you're feeling stressed, going to get some fresh air will clear your head.
But if you are more advanced with your fitness, and you're bored of the routine, try taking a crossfit class, or check out a personal trainer session to get some tips. You dont have to go to the gym to be fit, you can also do calesthenics at home, and yoga.

Getting your heart rate up and moving your body helps your skin to keep young and fresh looking, you will have such a healthy glow :)

Tip #4:
Tea Tree Oil. It is my saviour. I use it for everything! It is great for spot treatment, I also mix it with lotion and put it on my back (bacne is an issue sometimes!) You can also use put a few drops into your shampoo to treat dandruff, it helps cool burns, and I put it under my arms, it is a great natural deoderant. This stuff is magical and smells so fresh and.. plant-y.  Costco sells a huge thing of it in the pharmacy section for $13 (in Canada).

Tip #5:

Having fun.
This one sounds funny at first, but it also plays a huge role in the health department. Mental health and physical health are connected. It has been proven that individuals who suffer from depression have lower immune systems and tend to have unhealthy habits. So why not venture out with a few friends after work and forget about it! Fun doesn't have to mean partying, you could play boardgames, go to an amusement park, try something new like a cooking class or a pottery class. It will boost both your mental health and immune system!

Alright guys, I should leave now and take my own advice. Hope you have a wicked evening, and I'll post again soon.


Thursday 8 January 2015

Stuffed Crust Pizza, handmade!

Happy new year everyone!
Once again it has been a while since I've posted some recipes AND pictures, so tonight I decided to be creative and make a homemade stuffed crust pizza with simple, wholesome ingredients, just like the Italians make! The all purpose flour can easily be subbed out for whole wheat flour, and no cheese if you want a lower calorie style pizza. I am what my sister and I like to call "lactard" . a.k.a lactose intolerant. For things like pizza, I have to take those lactose enzyme pills to help me digest it. Absolutely NOTHING can compare to real cheese, so sometimes I do give in, like tonight! But if any of you have dairy allergies, I find the mozza style daiya brand "cheese" would work well with this too!
Below I will list the recipe for the crust, and then the sauce. I will also list the toppings that I added which I found to suit it very well, and its also what I had on hand. Feel free to be creative, its your pizza after all! Enjoy!

1 cup warm water
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp active dry yeast
2 tbsp olive oil
1 TSP salt
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
12 mozzarella cheese strings, or a block of mozzarella

First things first! Preheat your oven to 450° F.
Take a small or medium sized oven pan and grease it with olive oil, and sprinkle with a fine layer of corn meal.

Crust Directions: Get a measuring cup and measure out 1 cup of warm water. Stir in the brown sugar until it dissolves, then add the yeast and mix, then let sit for 5 minutes or until creamy.

While you are waiting for the yeast , measure out 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour and dump that into a big bowl with the oil and salt, then add yeast when it is ready and frothy. (If you have an electric kitchen aid mixer, that works well too!) You will then want to knead with your hands until it becomes a smooth dough,(or use the bread spindle attachment for the mixer) then let rest for 5 minutes.

Roll out the dough onto a floured surface and roll into a rectangular or oval shape. You will then want to fit it into your greased pan making sure it reaches all of the corners.

You will then want to place your mozzarella cheese strings along the border of the crust, and fold over the edges, pull back towards the pan, and press firmly around the strings and to the dough to seal it.

It should look like this:

Except we aren't at the sauce part yet. Haha. Thats next though.

Okay that was easy, right? Now let's get saucy.

You will need...

2 heaping tbsp tomato paste
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp olive oil
1 fresh garlic clove minced
A bunch of fresh basil leaves chopped
A pinch of dried oregano
A pinch of dried rosemary
A pinch of dried basil

Now this is the fun part, you know exactly every single ingredient that's going into your sauce! Isn't this wonderful? Cooking should be like this always! I just wish I had more time, that's another life goal of mine, but we will talk about that another time.

Now grab a small bowl, add the tomato paste, water and olive oil and mix until well blended, then add all of the other herbs and stir until combined. Then spread onto your crust!

Add your favourite toppings! Mine are tomatoes, basil, chopped kale and mozzarella!

Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown. I find every oven is different.

This is what it should look like!

I already had the bigggggest piece, and I'm still drooling just looking at it! Yummmm!! What an awesome way to start the weekend!
Leave a comment below and tell me what toppings you used!

I hope you enjoy the crap out of it, because I sure did. Bye for now!

Monday 22 December 2014

Asian Breakfast Scramble

I will add some pictures of this recipe when I make it again! This is a great breakfast scramble for when you're hung over, or just craving something savoury when you wake up. I usually like something sweet, but once in a while I feel like having something spicy or salty.

Its such a simple recipe, is super healthy and has a lot of probiotics and gut healthy nutrients! I feel like the sauerkraut adds a nice coolness to the heat. It makes a great brunch too. Well, here you go!!

You will need:
-1 or 2 cups of shredded cabbage (or a small bag of cabbage mix)
-2 eggs , whisked
-3 mushrooms of your choice
-1 grated carrot
-3 tbsp sauerkraut
-2 tbsp of bottled Szechuan sauce, or sweet chili sauce
-fresh cracked pepper

Step by step:
First, add olive oil or coconut oil to pan, then turn on medium heat.
You will then want to whisk your eggs, once the pan is hot , pour them in.

Scramble them until they are halfway done, then add all veggies, the cabbage, mushrooms and carrot.

Once everything has cooked down, you can then add the Szechuan sauce or sweet chili sauce.

Mix well, pour that into a bowl, top with sauerkraut and freshly cracked pepper.

Now enjoy this tasty breakfast! Sometimes I like to toast a piece of sourdough and have that on the side too.

What else would you like to put in this? Let me know your unusual breakfast ideas in the comments below!

Monday 26 May 2014

Rice Krispies Granola Bars

It's been a while since I've posted, mostly because I kind of gave up on posting recipes.. and I always forget to post the pictures!! I will have to remake some of the food just so that I can post pics for everyone to see, and that my food can actually look pretty good ;).

So today is a lazy day, and I have several of those a week, by the way. After work I didn't feel like doing much at all, so I sat down and read for a bit. Oh and I am re-reading a book (it's that good!) called 'The Storyteller' by Jodi Picoult. It captivated me as soon as I started the first chapter. In case you haven't read it , it's about a Jewish baker who befriends an elderly man who turns out to be a former Nazi. Who is also connected to her grandmother's past. It is a really good read , and has a lot of *true* details about what happened during the war. I highly recommend it!

Just reading the book got me in the mood for baking, so I decided to bake some healthy 'granola' bars! Oat free, flour free and dairy free. I hope you enjoy these on this lovely Monday evening .. mine are still cooling on the rack.


  • 4 cups rice krispies cereal
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup chopped dried mangos
  • 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup shredded dried sweetened coconut
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup honey
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 egg


  1. Preheat oven to 350. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. In a separate smaller bowl, combine peanut butter, honey, veg. oil, and vanilla then melt in the microwave for 1- 1/2 minutes.
  3. Add egg to the peanut butter mixture and whisk.
  4. Pour the wet mix into the dry mix and fold in the brown sugar.
  5. Pack the granola bar mixture tightly into a baking dish, I used a 9x12 since the mixture makes so much.
  6. Bake for 15-25 minutes or until mixture is golden brown and crispy on top.
  7. Let cool for 1-2 hours then cut into squares!

Saturday 15 March 2014

Strawberry Pistachio Chicken Salad

When I crave salads, I crave BIG salads. With all sorts of vegetables and fruits and nuts and dirt and worms. Haha. Anyways here is a great recipe I like to use if I am short of ideas and I need something quick to make and pack away for work. It is tasty and satisfying, with all of the complex carbs and proteins to keep us fuller longer.

Long live YOU!!


1-2 cups fresh spinach or kale
4-5 sliced fresh strawberries
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/3 cup shelled pistachios
1/4 cup sunflower seeds & pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup sliced cucumber
1/2 red pepper, sliced
1 cooked chicken breast

Vinigerette dressing to drizzle on top, or any dressing you please.

Combine all ingredients and toss well. Place in plastic containers or ziploc bags for later to keep fresh.